Who's Who

Main School Staff 


Beci Smith

Head Teacher

Safeguarding Officer


Student Welfare -Mental Health Champion

Early Help Lead

Designated Person for Children in Care

Data and Assessment

Drawing and Talking Practitioner 

Margaret Cologne - BrookesFinance Administrator
Kate BrowneAssistant Administrator
Kayleigh WalkerClerk to Governors
Jeanette Neale

Foundation Stage Unit Leader

Reception Teacher  - All day on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday

History/Geography and RE Leader

Stands in for the Head Teacher in her absence

Deputy Safeguarding Officer

Nicola Taylor

Reception Teacher on Thursday and Friday

Class Teacher in Class 1 on Wednesdays

Specialist STEM Teacher and Leader

Stands in for the Head Teacher in her absence

Deputy Safeguarding Officer

Jessica Shinn

Class 1 Teacher - Year 1 and 2 - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday

Reading Leader

Families in Grief - School Representative

Tania Attewell

Class 2 Teacher - Year 3 and 4 - Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday

Maths Leader

PE Leader 

Runs PE lessons across the school on Tuesday afternoons

Sabine Croxall

Class 2 Teacher - Year 3 and 4 - Thursday and Friday

Music Teacher (Tuesday afternoon in classes 1 to 3)

Art Leader

Design and Technology Leader

PSHE and RSE Leader

Trauma Informed School Practitioner

Forest School Leader

Emily Cannon

Class 3 Teacher - Year 5 and 6 - full time

Literacy Leader

IT Leader

Deputy Safeguarding Officer

Linsey Hollidge

Teaching Assistant in Reception (as part of the Foundation Stage unit)

Early Years SENCO in the FSU

Nuffield Early Language Intervention Trained

Read, Write Inc Phonics Trained 

Midday Supervisor

Carol Tyzack

Teaching Assistant in Class 1

Read, Write Inc Phonics Trained

Read, Write Inc Phonics Tutor

Angie Williams

Teaching Assistant in Class 2

Read, Write Inc Phonics Trained

Read, Write Inc Phonics Tutor

Sarah Perry

Trained Teacher - covers classes when needed.

SEN Teaching Assistant in Class 3

Midday Supervisor

Kate Jewell

Trained Teacher - covers class 1 at times when needed

Pupil Premium Teaching Assistant 

Read, Write Inc Trained 

Rosie Pearson Woods

Midday Supervisor

TA Support Assistant

Shellene Baxter

Midday Supervisor

TA Support Assistant 

Wendy Hirst

Midday Supervisor -Part Time

Wendy Portlock

Midday Supervisor

TA Support Assistant 

Kate Pullin

School Cook

Devon Norse

School Caretaker / School Cleaner


Red Robins Pre School - Foundation Stage Unit Staff 


Jeanette NealeFoundation Stage Unit Leader/ FSU Teacher
Nicola TaylorFSU Teacher
Debbie BryantEarly Years Practitioner
Debbie DanielEarly Years Practitioner
Jessica HutchingsEarly Years Practitioner
Wendy HirstEarly Years Practitioner