

Our school has a thriving Foundation Stage Unit. 

We have a beautiful purpose-built unit for our Foundation Stage pupils.

Our pre-school children are known as the Red Robins

Our pre-school is open every school day during term time from 9am - 3pm.  Early starts (from 8.45am) or later finishes (3.15pm) can be added to invoices for £1.00 per time

We can accept children from the age of 2 years and can offer funded places.  Non funded places care charged at £5.50 per hour.


From September 2024 our hourly rate will be increased to the following prices per hour. 

2year olds - £5.50 Per non funded hour 

3&4 year olds- £4.85 Per non funded hour

Children can have a hot meal cooked on site for a cost of £2.40 for a main and a pudding or a packed lunch can be brought in from home

If you would like to come and have a look around our pre-school please call 01566 772191 to book an appointment.


Mrs Jeanette Neale         Reception and Nursery teacher & FSU Manager 

Mrs Nicola Taylor             Reception and NurseryTeacher

Mrs Linsey Hollidge          Reception Teaching Assistant, Early Years Practitioner and Early Years Senco

Debbie Bryant           Pre-School practitioner and Key Worker
Debbie Daniel            Pre-school practitioner and Key Worker

Jessica Hutchings     Pre-school practitioner and Key Worker

Wendy Hirst             Pre-school pratitioner





We have designed an ambitious new curriculum with clear aims for children to have reached by the end of their Foundation Stage.