Home Learning Photos

Home Learning 2: January 2021

Izzy has been busy with her topic work.Meet Megafauna Elvis and Presley....

Imelda and Marla have been very creative with their topic makes

Jasmine's Home learning photo fun.

Alex has had a great time making an igloo! He said it was very tricky without using snow so we'd better all hope for a snow day before the end of winter!!!

Owen has made a zip line for his teddies - we thought zip line might have been useful on the beanstalk!

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Owen has made an amazing Giant's castle in the clouds!

Milo has been up to all sorts at home. He has made a magic harp, experimented with jelly beans, and drawn a super rocket numberline

Gracie Mae had a busy week - here are some photos of her making beans on toast, stringing her magic harp, and her lovely 'sorry' card from the giant. She has also made a lovely picture from coloured rice. 

Jake has had another busy week - he sent in lots of photos of what he has been up to - here are just a few: making spaghetti on toast (following instructions), adding to his kindness beanstalk, the jellybean experiment and some amazing writing - well done Jake!

Corey and Tilly worked together as a team to build their house of straws - it looks like they had great fun doing it!

Class 2 and 3 looked at the strength of domes (in the form of eggs) as part of our homes topic.  Look how much water the eggs could hold - they were very strong!

Class 3 have been looking at the strength of diagonal struts when building straw houses.

Owen has really enjoyed making beans on toast this week. He has also done some brilliant counting and writing about when the beanstalk grew outside his room!  I love the pattern he created with the jelly beans - fabulous!

Tilly has been doing some great work this week - we have some maths with number bonds to 5, a beautiful picture made with rice and pulses and a beautiful castle in the clouds - lucky giant!!!

Lando has been super busy again!  Here are some photos of him making beans on toast, creating an amazing jelly bean pattern, decorating the Giant's boot and making number bonds to 5! What a busy few days!

Megan has built a fabulous castle in the clouds - amazing!

Alex has been experimenting with triangles as part of our 'homes project'. He found the triangular tower was the weakest - I wonder what everyone else found? Send in your findings!!

Alfie W has been on an investigation walk today, finding out what he can stick his magnetic dinosaurs to - good work Alfie! He has also been eating his beans!



Alfie has been very busy: he has made a sorry card for the Giant to say sorry for stealing the hen. He has been on a scavenger hunt to find objects to spell the word G-I-A-N-T and done some brilliant counting to 5. He has also made a funky shaker to play some music!


Alfie has made an amazing pattern in an experiment with jelly beans today - and taken his own photos - wow!!!

Lando has been seeing how strong eggs can be as part of our 'homes' project across the school and has also used his toy cars to measure how tall different beanstalks are.

Milo has built a beanstalk and drawn a giant!


Hamish has done some beautiful writing to describe the beanstalk!

Look at the enormous Kindness beanstalk Alfie has made - he is going to add another leaf each time he does something kind - it will soon be very leafy!

Gracie Mae has been really busy. Here are a couple of her photos: a HUGE beanstalk and a survey of people's favourite fairy tales!


Jake has made an amazing story map of Jack and the Beanstalk


Owen had fun making magic beans dance.

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Alex has been busy testing the strength of eggs as part of the 'Homes' topic, looking at domes.  The eggs were VERY strong!



Home Learning Spring/Summer 2020

Katie Cann's Stop Motion Animation - The Story of the Worm and the Snail



Alex has had a lovely time gel printing!

Yasmin's Grammar Work

Alex has had another busy!

Alex Lewis has been really busy this week. His brother Ryan has also had a fabulous time painting.

Williamson's News Report on Antarctic Explorers

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Rosie and Oliver K.W's News Report about Amelia Earhart

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Rosie K.W's poetry

Lucy and Ben have been very busy!

Wesley's Car Poetry!

Marla and Imelda's home made water feature for a neighbour

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Marla and Imelda have been very busy doing lots of lovely things!

Maisie Bain's lovely writing

Photos of Lucy and Ben being very busy!

Bella and Freddie have been busy!

Elspeth has been very busy with her home learning and she has managed to capture a photo of 2 otter cubs on her wildlife camera this week.

Please look at this amazing video by Rosie and Oliver K.W.

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Rubyn and Marley have been very busy at home

Yasmin's wonderful writing!

Oliver K.W's work on plants

Jason's wonderful writing

Rosie's wonderful writing!

Alex has designed a windmill called Offcut Windmill. Alex and his daddy built the windmill using off cuts of wood and plastic and many other things. An amazing achievement and such a great project to do together!

Alex has been very busy!

Erin and Ellie have been very busy at home!

Erin and Ellie's movie

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Elspeth's film on Nature

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Rosie and Yasmin have been very busy creating excellent work for Engish in Class 3

Alex has read a book written by Stephen Hawking and has been busy writing a book review on the Worst Witch

Callum and Connor have been very busy! Have a look to see what they have been up to! Callum has decided he would like to be a brain surgeon and Connor is showing how whizzy he is at maths.

Lucy and Ben's plastic recycling project, they made T rex heads from milk cartons. They have written instructions for anyone else who would like to have a go!

Finley and Milo have been very busy!

Elspeth's home learning photos including an authorfy challenge and maths

Corey and Tilly have been very busy!

Lots of things happening!

Yasmin's Spy Gadget Advert

Another busy day!

Look what we have been doing today!

Watch Rosie K.W complete a perfect backwards walkover. Brilliant!

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Lottie Hart's Project about the Titanic

Lots of lovely things have been happening!

Ben's science project on rocks and Lucy's English work about her favourite author

The Coombs family have been busy baking a a cake and brownies for VE Day and also lots of cuddling of baby guineapigs

Arron and Kyle having been very busy baking cookies, flapjack and a quiche! Kyle has power washed the car and they have both baked a cake for the NHS. They have also been busy making Rainbows out ouf of putty and Kyle has cracked his puzzle.

Rosie's Suspense Story and Space Ship Sketch

Lottie and Ben's powerpoints of facts about the Coral Reef

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