We Love Writing!
We Love Writing - Competition March 2024 - Non Fiction
Non Fiction Writing Competition (March 2024)
The children recently submitted entries for our Fact File Competition. We have had so many wonderful entries which showcased the love that we have as a school for writing. There were some stand out pieces of work that earned most children a Prize. Our runners up were Jake and Iona for beautiful fact files on tractors and worms. Our Special Commendation prize was for Bella K on her fact file about Vets. Our winner was Lando with his fantastic poster on Lewis Hamilton. He won the top prize of a £10 book token voucher. Well done to everyone who entered and put their best effort into this fantastic competition.
1st Prize - Lando with his fact file on Lewis Hamilton
Runners Up - Jake and Iona with their fact files on tractors and worms!