Life in Modern Britain
Life in Modern Britain - St Giles on the Heath
Primary School
It is the intent of St Giles-on-the-Heath Primary School to ready our pupils for ‘Life in Modern Britain’ by the end of their primary school career.
“all children gain an understanding of the world they are growing up in, and live alongside, and show respect for, a diverse range of people.’ Ofsted, 2021.
- Survey parents/carers to gather information on their knowledge of British Values, RSE, Diversity and Protected Characteristics.
- Survey children in year 5 and 6 regarding their own knowledge of British Values, RSE, Diversity and Protected Characteristics.
- Analyse this data to see what support we will need to put in place to equip parents/carers with knowledge and skills to support pupils’ Life in Modern Britain education at home.
- To work alongside other local community primary schools on improving knowledge about Equality and Diversity.
- To ensure that our school library contains books on different countries, diversity including neuro - diversity and British Values for the children to explore.
- Teachers are to review planning prior to each unit and make sure to reference the Rights of Children, Protected Characteristics, British Values and Diversity explicitly in their teaching, using the agreed vocabulary provided by the Safeguarding Deputy Lead.
- Lessons will have a multi-sensory approach to help pupils retain information.
- A 6-week sequence of assemblies will take place each term, one on British Values, one on Diversity and Equality, one reinforcing learning in PSHE.
- Significant dates will be acknowledged in school, such as Black History Month, Mental Health Awareness Week, Earth Day, a variety of religious and cultural festivals.
- The school website will be updated a separate page of Life in Modern Britain.
- A ‘Life in Modern Britain’ focus group will take place termly, where pupils from each year will meet with Safeguarding Deputy Lead to assess and review learning.
- An open afternoon will take place across the school where Head Teacher and PSHE Lead meet with Parents and Governors sharing the Intent, Implementation and Impact statements for Life in Modern Britain, programme of activities, Scarf Links, RSE Info, School Website (tab for further information)
At the same open afternoon parent and governors are invited to go into different classrooms where there will be a different lesson going on exploring an aspect of Life in Modern Britain.
The theory from the previous meeting brought to life in the classroom.
- Children learn about different lifestyles.
- All pupils will be able to identify, understand and apply their learning of ‘Life in Modern Britain’, using the accurate and explicit vocabulary.
- The school community will have a greater understanding of the areas of ‘Life in Modern Britain’, or know where to find this information if they do not. This will be evidenced through improved participation and results in parent/carer survey and in the Year 5/6 survey.
- School life provides a multitude of opportunities for pupils to explore and interact with other walks of life with frequency and enthusiasm.
- Improved grading of the area in future inspections.