Generic Home Learning Activities and Useful websites
Discovery Education/Espresso has provided our pupils with log on details to their website which has lots of amazing activities. The log on details are as follows: -
The website address Is:-
When you press on the log in button on the right hand side of the screen it will show a list of titles, click on espresso and then put in the following log in details: -
Username – student8072 Password: - stgiles
An App for identifying wild flowers - please be aware this one uses your geographical location.
Peregrine Falcon Nest Box Live Cam in Exeter
Why not watch the nest box live as the female Peregrine Falcon sits on her 3 eggs at St Michaels and All Angels Church in Exeter.
Hopefully they will start hatching in the next couple of weeks.
Online books to read with your children
Jan Pienkowski, who writes the Meg and Mog books, has a website with 7 books that you can read for free online. One of them is “Owl at the Vet”, which we have read at school. This is the link:
More useful websites as mentioned in Parent Pay email
1. If you and your child like singing then ‘Sing- up’ have set up a home learning area for you to explore and to have a good sing along. The website is:
2. Does your child like reading and /or writing poetry then there is a young person’s poetry competition. Charles Causley was a local poet born In Launceston and the competition is open to all children from the age of 5 up to 18 (you may have some older children that might like to enter).
Please click on the following link for information:
3. If you would like to know how to help your child remain safe on the internet and social media then click on this link as this has some wonderful advice:
Are you running out of physical books?
A helpful hint for all families who are running out of physical books: You can get free ebooks and audio books from both Cornwall and Devon libraries which are both free to join - you can even join online.
Cornwall libraries:
Join online here:
Digital catalogue details here:
Devon Libraries:
Join online here:
Digital catalogue details here:
Useful Timetable to help you Structure the Day
Think U Know - Online Safety at Home (Home learning activities)
Are you interested in science then look no further.
Here is a website called explorify which has lots of lovely activities. They are currently working with other partners in the science world to create a joined up quality experience for all.
Here is the website address:
NHS Posters
Hello everybody,
The poster project is live! Please head on over to to check out all your options.
We worked with artists from across the UK who created black and white designs for you to print and colour in at home. Please put them up in your windows, work places, on the fridge - anywhere that needs a little cheer.
Please take photos and share them on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram - the NHS Million team will try to share them as best we can. Don't forget to use the hashtag #NHSMillion too.
And please share this as far and as wide as you can. We want the NHS to know that we really do love and appreciate all of their work.
The Importance of Mindfulness during this challenging time

Family Discussions - Would you rather...?

National Geographic Kids is a great platform for learning and it's totally FREE. There's online games, resources and competitions too. Aimed at primary aged children, there are a wide range of subjects - history, science, geography, English, Maths, Art & Design and PSHE.
This completely FREE online gaming platform is great for learning about geography topics. There are interactive activities on continents, capitals, flags, regions, islands, rivers... the list is endless.
There's no subscription or free trial, just go to the website and play!
NASA STEM ENGAGEMENT - Make a cloud mobile, an Apollo moon capsule and many more exciting things...
Exploring outside activities
PE activities
Joe Wicks body work outs
Jump Start Jonny Home Workouts
Premier League Primary Stars
Go - Noodle - lots of dance videos for children to move to.
NHS Change 4 Life Shake Up Games
Online daily maths lessons
Number Fun Portal
The Maths Factor with Carol Vorderman
Linked to the National Curriculum
Following the Government’s decision to implement widespread school closures across the UK to minimise the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19). We will be making The Maths Factor FREE for everyone (usually about £2 per week) to support childrens’ continued learning at home for the duration of the UK Schools closure period. We want to help you and your child as much as we can.
Times-table Practice
Times Tables Rock Stars is a carefully
sequenced programme of daily times
tables practice aimed at schools. Each
week concentrates on a different times table.
Lots of literacy activities that are fun and imaginative
Daily Audio Stories read by David Walliams for the next few weeks
Free ebooks from Oxford Owl
1 Free Months Subscription to Twinkl -
Has great home learning resources and a daily timetable of activities if you are struggling with structuring the day.
Our school's parent's can sign up to a free Ultimate account for a month here - and enter the code UKTWINKLHELPS. Their subscription will revert back to a free membership at the end of this offer of help.
Twinkl Home Learning Hub can be found here:
BBC Bitesize - The curriculum is broken down into topics for children aged 4 - 11.